David Fiorucci

Contributing to a better world

Can an individual contribute to a better world?
Can you contribute to a better world?

Have you ever wondered about it? To me, this issue has been a concern for years, and when I think about my children, our world and our economy, I come to the conclusion that not only can I make a contribution, but I must do so.



Leadership expert, Author, Speaker, Founder and Entrepreneur

Why DFi as a brand

DFi has been present since the beginning of my career, meaning phonically challenge in French, these three letters have been my visa since then.

Binational (Swiss and Italian), I was born in 1968 in Fribourg (Switzerland), married since 1998 to Barbara Fiorucci-Huber, and father of 3 children.

I have held various senior and executive management positions in industry, the service sector, the public sector and finance. With over 25 years’ experience managing teams of 5 – 50 people in the SME sector and in large national and international companies.

I am comfortable operating within cultural diversity and have worked on mandates/projects/workshops in different countries: Switzerland (three different language regions), France, Germany (North and South), Austria.

My areas are Transformation, Leadership, organisational development, personnel development, sustainable development, strategic management, facilitation and training.

From 2012 to june 2016 I was a member of senior management at the Swiss Life Switzerland headquarters in Zurich where I was Head of Learning & Development and have supported the Transformation.

I am a member of the consultative committee (Beirat) of the Swiss Management Training Association (Schweizerische Vereinigung für Führungsausbildung).

I have a number of higher education mandates.

My languages: FR/GER/EN/IT


(belonging, common good)
(motor, well-being)
(positive societal, economic, environmental impact)

Impact levers

Where to act
to make a change

If I want to contribute to a better world, to a sustainable economy, I must act where the leverage effect is the most important, where the impact is the most significant.

So, apart from myself as an example (it is important to start with myself), I have focused my efforts on 4 areas:

Training & Leadership

By developing LP3 approaches and creating LP3 Ltd


Through the
"DFi David Fiorucci" foundation


volunteering and sponsorship


Through the
Cloister of
suspended time

Impact lever 01

Training & leadership

I want to train Leaders capable
of causing as little collateral damage
as possible and aware of their impact.

LP3 Ltd

Leadership according to me is the capacity to create momentum, to mobilise people towards a common objective, towards an attractive vision, via a stimulating, creative and inspiring framework. Legitimate power (authority).


Impact lever 02


I want to develop sustainable solutions for our future, our society and ensure a decent life for my descendants

Foundation David Fiorucci

The "David Fiorucci" Foundation is a private foundation

whose 3 main goals are as follows:

Foundation goals

Impact lever 03


I want to support initiatives and people
who are fighting for our planet, its wildlife,
its nature and its people.

Sponsoring DFi

My wife (Barbara Fiorucci-Huber) has been a driving force and an example for me in terms of social commitment, donations and sponsorship.

Impact lever 04


I want to create a place where time stops and where consciousness can focus on certain themes that are essential for the individual and society.

The Cloister of Suspended Time

A week of diving, within ourselves and our world, to allow our consciousness to take the lead and give us the means to contribute to a better world. The definition of a sensitive personal project as well as a humanistic societal project will be the results of this retreat and our contribution, our impact for this world that we want better.

A dream, this cloister, that I want to realize once, in order to allow others to make a significant impact and contribute to a better world.

Do you know someone, (a wealthy family, a foundation, an institution, a company) that wants to invest in a sustainable way with its heart and soul?

Are you looking for such a project to support yourself?

Learn more
Architecture building


in touch

David Fiorucci

  • +41 78 818 40 18
  • www.lp3leadership.com
  • david.fiorucci@lp3leadership.com
  • LP3 AG, Eidochsweg 23 2504 Biel ∙ Switzerland